
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Baby Steps...

So, I just read a really cool story. It is so awesome how God will give you little nuggets of encouragement just when you need it. I am reading a book called, "I Really Want To Change...So, Help Me God" by James MacDonald. It is a great book, and is very practical. If you are looking to make real changes in your life, I highly recommend this book. Anyway, back to this "nugget" I speak of...I read this today and it really put things into focus for me regarding making changes. This is regarding the spiritual changes, emotional changes, and also the physical changes that I am facing while on this brand new journey of losing weight and becoming a healthier person.

"Back in the 1800's, residents of Niagara Falls wanted to build a suspension bridge across the Niagara Gorge at Niagara Falls. Remember, of course, that engineering then was not what it is today. The problem they faced was how to initially span the wide gorge with the rushing Niagara rapids beneath them. The engineers were stumped, so they held a contest inviting the locals to submit their best ideas. The person who won the contest suggested they take a kite, when the winds were favorable, and fly it across the gorge, landing it on the other side.

Incredibly, the majestic suspension bridge which stands to this day began with a little kite and string. To the string they attached a rope and pulled it across. The rope was used to pull across a chain. The chain was used to pull across a cord. The cord was used to pull across a cable. Upon those iron cables they began to build the concrete structure which became the mighty Niagara Bridge. All that strength and power began with a little string."

Wow, to think that something so massive and so sturdy was initially built by using a string with a kite attached to the end of it! It makes me realize that great things come from small beginnings. We live in an instant gratification type of society these days. We live in the age where anything you could possibly want is at your fingertips...you know, "there's an app for that"! I know for myself, I just want to skip the smaller beginnings...I want to slide right past the struggle and the pain...and just arrive at that GREAT structure at the end. I want it to be instant and perfect. Well, that isn't how it happens. Anything worth changing will welcome struggle and discomfort in your life, however, when you work through that pain and that discomfort the product on the other side is that much sweeter and that much stronger.

These thoughts that I share are things that I need to hear and that I need to start implementing in my own personal life. I do not share these things as if I have arrived to this place where I am now able to tell other people how they should clean up their own life. I will never arrive to that place where I know it all and can help others arrive. We are in this together! I need friends who are willing to be real. I need friends who are not too proud to say, "hey, you know, I really need your prayers regarding this certain struggle in my life"...I need friends who are willing to listen to me share my struggles and pray with and for me regarding those things in my life. I need friends who can take off the judge's robe and set down the gavel...become human and real, understanding that we are all saved by grace. We are all in this together. I need friends who will lock arms with me, hold hands, and say "let's do this"...TOGETHER.

Not only am I embarking on a physical change that will lead me into a life of healthy living...I am also being transformed on the inside. God is working in my life. It is humbling and very exciting all at the same time. I share my struggles with you, and I share my victories with you. I want God to get all the glory for the things He has brought and taken away in my life. To Him be all the glory! I will be honest with you, even if it isn't the most popular thing! I will share the unlovely side of me, because I am not perfect. I am so very human in every aspect of that word. I struggle. I hurt. I cry. I also rejoice. I worship a Sovereign God. I laugh. I make stupid jokes...(some things will never change). I am a work in progress...and what is exciting to see is that it is in motion...the progress is happening. =)

Step by step...second by second...minute by minute...hour by hour...day by day...week by week...month by month...year by year...It is a process. It is meant to work in steps. I am learning patience (though you will NEVER catch me praying for it...seriously!). I am learning to push a little harder. Endure a little longer. Allow a situation to fully play out before I so quickly jump ship. There is purpose in the pain. There is joy through trials. I want to find out what is on the other side of this huge mountain I face. I no longer just want to hear about it!

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