
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Are You Authentic or Automated?

I heard this quote/fact in church on Sunday, "You may be the only Bible someone ever reads." I have also heard, "You may be the only Jesus people ever see." Both of these quotes I think are very true! Many people will never darken the door of a church...out of apprehension, fear, or just straight up because they don't want to! All are valid reasons. I began really thinking about these quotes that I have heard most of my life. I think sometimes we as Christians take the responsibility so seriously that we become less authentic and more automated.

I think that we as Christ-followers (which is what a Christian is) should be more like Jesus and not conform to a set of ridiculous rules and expectations of other people! In other words, we need to be REAL! Authentic! If we are the only Jesus someone ever sees, then we need to be a person who is compassionate not judgmental, peaceful not chaotic, authentic not automated!

I don't know about you, but when I call a customer service 800 number I absolutely dread the automated line! If I push zero, sometimes it starts all over again...so sometimes I push zero twice and it says "that is not an option-main menu"...it's so frustrating! All you want is the real person! All you want is a LIVE voice to be able to express the issues you are having and actually engage in a conversation about it! We are relational people! We need communication. What we don't need are a bunch of robots!!

Being the the only Jesus someone may ever see should be a motivation to love other people, forgive when they hurt you, and most of all be a faithful friend! It's not about rules and regulations and a puffed-up pious religion...it is about a RELATIONSHIP! Be authentic! Not automated!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kickin' Rocks...

Have you ever heard the story in the Bible regarding the adulteress who was caught IN the act? It can be found in the passage, John 7:53-8:11. This is one of my favorite passages mostly because it exemplifies how Jesus sees us for who we are, not for what we have done! He doesn't care about where we've been, but rather where we're going! So, the Pharisees and the Scribes had a pretty heated confrontation with Jesus regarding this woman. They wanted her to be punished for this horrible sin...executed actually...stoned to death. I wish that I could somehow go back into time to see what happens next.

John 8:4-11(NLT) says, "'Teacher,' they said to Jesus, 'this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?' They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, 'All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!' Then he stooped down again and wrote in the sand. When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, 'Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?' 'No, Lord.' she said. And Jesus said, 'Neither do I. Go and sin no more.'"

Isn't that such a beautiful picture of what Jesus is all about? He isn't a God of chaos, but rather a God of love and peace! I have always wondered how those who so whole-heartedly preached about God and taught others about the Bible could read this passage of Scripture and yet still choose to judge others? I understand that we all (Christian or non-Christian) judge other people. We are all human beings and if you honestly believe that you are incapable of being judgmental in any way, then you aren't being real with yourself! It is something we do as human beings! I do believe though that it is something we should be very careful with. Who am I to point a finger at you with disgust and judgement, when I myself am in my own pit of "stuff"? Do you understand what I mean?

I heard this today in church, "Judging me isn't going to make me change! Would it make you change?" Well, would it?? Probably not! You know what we need more than anything...people willing to help other people when they need it most! When we are hurting, we need our friends and family and our church family to be there to pick us up...not kick us while we are already down! Face it, we all need someone! I hope you will take an opportunity this week to reach out and extend LOVE to someone instead of passing judgement! Remember, you who have never sinned, never hurt, never cried, never disappointed someone, never made a poor decision, never took the "wrong road" in life that led you down a tough path, never did something that was wrong...you go ahead and throw that first stone!

Go out of your way to be kind to others this week! We need each other! Love you!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Don't Worry...Be Happy!

 I am reading a really great book right now called, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. It has been such a great read, and so encouraging. As I have been reading, I have been learning about different cultures that I quite frankly was not aware of at all. They all have such interesting customs and rituals. The information I will be sharing with you comes from my study from this book and also from the internet. I hope you find it as interesting as I did!

On the Greek Island of Naxos the pace of life is unhurried, olive trees line the island's rocky shores as turquoise waters shimmer in the harbor. This island is largely untouched by technology and the information age. Naxos has remained the same for centuries. When you step on to this beautiful island, I am told that the first thing you notice are the string of beads worn by many people. You will see the old, the young, the rich, the poor...everyone wears these beads. They are called "komboloi beads" or also known as "worry beads". Komboloi beads are a very old Greek custom. The islanders finger the beads and moved them around their necks or wrists all day long. The beads are intended to relieve stress and reduce worry. It is expected that while wearing these beads one will experience comfort, and that in the process of handling these precious beads it will cut down on all anxiety.

Komboloi Beads - or "Worry Beads"

 I found it intriquing and when I looked up the pictures of the Island of Naxos, I fell in love with its beauty. No wonder the pace is slow and unhurried. It is gorgeous there! I think my worries would fade as well. Maybe I should visit just to see? Well, these beads may be a quaint ancient custom, but we too have our own "worry beads" rituals that we may not even realize we partake in. For instance, we may bite our nails, pace back and forth, bite the inside of our mouth (I have a horrible habit of that...it's not attractive!!), we may lie awake at night (yep, that has been me too!!). We spend hours twisting our mental fingers around a specific circumstance or worry...trying to manipulate it, figure it out, solve it...yet we don't seem to quite figure it out. We do all of this because of worry!

Now, understand I am and have been a number one offender of this. So I am in no way preaching to anyone! I am sharing what I have learned, mostly because I find it helpful to myself and think, "hmmmm, maybe someone else will get a kick out of this too"...so hopefully you will enjoy! =) Over the years, the use of komboloi beads has declined, but it looks like it is making a comeback! These ancient stress reducers are showing up all over the place and not just in Naxos.

These komboloi beads come in many colors, while amber is the most common color.
 Komboloi beads were first used in other cultures for the sole purpose of counting prayers. Bead by bead, prayer by prayer, the komboloi beads were an outward expression of a godward heart. Today, you can find executives in Armani suits flick their fingers over ivory beads and smooth black stones...hip young Greeks twirl their strings of beads, comparing styles and price tags...I wonder if they truly know where the komboloi beads originated?!

We have a choice today as to what we can do with our worry. We can lift it up in prayer...or we can choose to worry. I am learning that when I surrender my concerns and worries to God, it lightens my load. When I choose to worry about things, I become stressed, sick, unstable, confused, discouraged, unhappy...the list can go on and on. Today is all I have. This moment is all I can focus on...and to truly LIVE in this life, I need to let go of my worry and start enjoying life!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why worry??

There have been some interesting events occur in my life as of recent! I am learning a lot about how my thoughts aren't God's thoughts...my "plans" aren't always in line with His plans...therefore I have to stop and listen. Those are the moments I am convinced that I have ADHD...my mind races, scenarios play and replay in my mind of what could have, should have, would have...and I become this distracted train wreck! Thankfully the God I love is patient and faithful! He knows just how to grab my attention.

My very short-lived move to NYC was actually one of the best things to happen at this time in my life. Am I bummed that I am no longer in the city that never sleeps...well, sure there is a part of me that LOVES NYC and can't get enough of the hustle and bustle!! It's such a great melting pot of just about everything! My move to NYC sparked a desire in my heart...one that fizzled out a long time ago and would try to restart but would burn out before it ever caught flame. While preparing to go to NYC, God brought my heart back to life...I began desiring His presence more and began seeking His will for my life. My faith was being renewed and brought back to life. I sold everything...even my sweet Stella (my BMW Z3 Roadster Convertible)...just to move into a situation that I had no idea how it would unfold, literally had about $50 to my name, and a  heart that was just willing to follow!

For the first time ever in my Christian walk (I have been a Christian for 29 years) I learned how to depend fully on God to supply my need. I didn't have money...yet just when I was about to run out, He supplied! It was amazing to see...and He is still supplying my need now. One of the biggest things I learned and the biggest thing that changed in my life when I went to NYC was I learned to trust God. I have been known to be a HUGE worrier, I really have been, yet now when I catch myself worrying I give it to God.

Here is why:
Proverbs 12:25 says, "An anxious heart weighs a man down,"...Jesus asked in Matthew 6:27, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Honestly when it comes down to it...worry is a waste of time. Worry short circuits our relationships with other people and especially with God. It fixes our eyes on our situation rather than on our Savior. In the New Testament, the words most often used for worry and anxiety come from the Greek word, meridzoe, which means "to be divided, to be pulled in opposite directions, to choke". Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 (AMP), "Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life."

I love to read...and find myself in a couple of books at the same time. Right now one of the books I am enjoying is a book my sister Lisa loaned to me called, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"...if you haven't read this book, it's a really great read! Do it! ;) The author of this book relates worry to a dense fog...this is what she said:

"It works a little like a thick London fog-the kind of fog that is legendary. However, while physical fog may seem dense and almost solid, scientist tell us that a fog bank a hundred feet deep and covering seven city blocks is composed of less than one glass of water. Divided into billions of droplets, it hasn't much substance. Yet it has the power to bring an entire city to a standstill. So it is with anxiety. Our mind disperses the problem into billions of fear droplest, obscuring God's face. Without him, one fear leads to another, and our lives slow to a painful crawl."

That is some gooooood stuff! =) I am happy to say that my level of worry has dropped...I no longer allow myself to become paralyzed by worries and anxiety...they have singlehandedly dismantled my life...derailed my dreams...and left me hopeless. I am unable to change the past...know what the future holds...all I have is the very moment that I am in. Worry and anxiety rob me of my life...but no more! It's a daily battle, but it is one that I am getting victory over! YAY!

I will leave you with this...Philippians 4:6-7 says this, "but in everything, by prayer and supplication (petition), with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes (transcends) all understanding, will gurard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." There are three practical and concise ways to victory over worry...they are spelled out in the above scripture:
1. Be anxious about nothing
2. Be prayerful about everything.
3. Be thankful for all things.

We all need a friend to encourage us and to assure us that we can have victory over things such as worry...if we continue to work together and stay focused on the ONE who can take our worries and give us peace we will indeed have victory over worry! I love you, my sweet friends!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tested Faith...

I am in a unique place in my life right now. It's an exciting place, actually. I am finding that in this place of true tested faith that I am learning a lot about who I am. I have found out a lot about who I am in some past experiences and it wasn't always that pretty. In fact, I have had my character tested in my past, and I didn't quite pass that test. But guess what?? God allows everything in our lives to happen for a purpose...and He ultimately wants to use it for good. As I have mentioned in a previous blog, I am choosing to get up from the "gate" of my past and move forward allowing God to move on my behalf.

Why do we often lack the ability to walk by faith? We are often paralyzed by fear. I know that I have been paralyzed by fear and that I have allowed lies to dictate the direction of my life. Mark Twain said this: "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." God doesn't give us the spirit of fear. He gives us the spirit of a sound mind. 

Above My Head...

Well, many times we think we have things figured out...we sit back, put our hands behind our head, and release a sigh of relief because we finally think all is perfectly set! Yeah, about that...just when I think I have figured my life out, I am reminded of a scripture verse from Isaiah 55:8 that basically says that God's thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. In other words, just because I think I know what is next in my life or because I am confident a certain "plan" is going to unfold perfectly in my life doesn't mean that is what God has in mind! I just knew that NYC was going to be a destination that was going to last a long time for me. I planned on working in a non-profit Christian ministry out there...touching lives and helping people...and making a difference every single day. The truth is, God had different plans. Do I completely understand and know what those plans are? NOPE! However, I am willing to follow and allow God to mold me into the person He wants me to be.

Even though I can't think as highly as God...and even though my ways aren't His ways usually...I do know this-He promises me that if I seek Him, keep my eyes fixed on Him, love Him with all my heart...He will keep me in perfect peace. This is very true in my life right now. I have moved back to Ohio from the heart of NYC. Most people would ask "why would you ever come back to Ohio?"...this is a fair question, and one that prior to moving to the City, I didn't forsee having to answer. I thought NYC could possibly be a permanent destination stop for me. But the answer to that question is simple, really. I didn't think twice about moving back home. I didn't feel that NYC was a failure, that it was something I regretted, nor was it a big mistake. NYC is part of my journey. It is an amazing city, and I got to live there 32 days and explore as much of it as I could squeeze in. Maybe God will send me back there someday. I would be happy to return! However, in the meantime, God has given me beautiful, perfect peace. I know that being back in Ohio for however long God chooses is on purpose and will unfold each moment I am here. I can only live in the moment.

If my NYC adventure has taught me anything, it has taught me this...live in the moment. I have caught a glimpse of how God can and wants to provide for me. I am learning to set aside worry and depend on God. If you know me at all, I am a huge worrier! I would worry about how much I worried! Yeah, I am one of THOSE people!! ;) Through the experience of moving to NYC, my faith was strengthened...I began to trust God with everything- not just the things I thought "He could handle".

Matthew 6:26 says this," Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" I love this verse...it's very humbling! Seriously, if God can provide for the birds of the air, why in the world wouldn't He provide for me? He loves me and wants the best for me. I am learning that God will provide for me...and while in NYC He proved to be faithful to that promise. He is such a provider! Worry stems from a lack of faith and trust. Think of it this way...let's say you ask a friend to pick up your dry cleaning at 5pm on Monday. They of course agree and assure you that they will pick your dry cleaning up at the said time and the said day...instead of marking that off your list of things to do, you choose to worry about it...afraid that that person will forget and then you won't have your clothes as promised! Now, the reason you are worried about that person forgetting or not following through with your request is because you lack faith in them...you don't feel that you can really trust them to do what you need. Our God is much higher and much more faithful to us...He can be trusted and relied upon. He will never fail us. Once we grasp this concept, worry becomes a thing of the past!

I may not know what tomorrow holds...all I can know is in the very moment I am in. God is a good God. He loves us and wants us to experience the beautiful things that this life can offer. I am going to continue to move forward as best I can with the help of God. Only He can guide me through the daily moments of my life. I will continue my journey and this blog...and I hope you will join me! ;)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Great Expectations...

We all have either spoken or unspoken expectations of other people...those expectations may even be subconscious...and the person with whom we expect certain attainable or unattainable things may or may not have any idea of it! I think sometimes we put someone on a high pedestal, whether spiritual or professional, making it almost impossible for that person to be who they really are...or even worse, when we find that they may not be that "spiritual giant" that we so graciously labeled them to be, we become disappointed with them or even in some cases angry with them.

Psalm 62:5 says this, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him." God already knew that we would put unattainable expectations on other people, and even upon ourselves. He wants us to be patient (which I am sooooo not), to wait upon Him...and He gives us permission to have expectations of Him. For instance, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God made a way for me to move to NYC. I know that He has a plan for me here. Do I know the exact plan? No! That's where the patient aspect comes in...you know, the part I am really not that great at! So, I am waiting for whatever He has for me to unfold, and I believe it has already revealed itself here and there. I am waiting for God to help me find a job...now this doesn't mean that I am just sitting here twiddling my thumbs expecting God to drop an amazing job out from the heavens and that I will hear angel voices singing "hallelujah" when it happens...however, it would be so much easier that way! I am working hard at putting out my resume, contacting places that are hiring, and making sure I am putting myself out there! So, I am doing my part and just waiting for God to complete it. That is where my expectation comes from. God says if we are seeking Him, He promises that He will provide for us and give us the desires of our heart.

If you are like me and you find yourself placing unnecessary and unfair expectations upon other people or upon yourself...try to remember Ps. 62:5 and instead reroute that expectation to God. He is big enough to handle any expectations that we may have in this life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are You For Real??

One of my biggest pet peeves are religious Christians. The Christians who are more concerned about WHAT they are doing as opposed to WHO they are serving. Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't be concerned and most definitely not saying that you should just do whatever you want...what I am saying is this...Christianity is not about being religious...rather it is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. From that relationship comes growth and love and genuine faith. Also, being a Christian is not about being other people's conscience. We are placed in this world to be a witness, an encouragement, and most of all a real friend to those who are hurting. Now, this doesn't just mean that you are to be an encouragement only to those who don't follow Christ...but even our own "brothers" and "sisters" in Christ need that love that is extended from God. God loves us unconditionally...He doesn't put a different emphasis on one sin and a lesser emphasis on another sin...Sin is sin is sin is sin...they are all the same in His sight! We are not without sin! None of us! It is only by God's grace that we are forgiven over and over. So, why aren't we willing to extend that same grace to others?

We need to love others...we need to live our lives filled with God's grace...I want to be a person who loves and is known for loving others. Try to look at other people through God's eyes. Who are we to judge others? We shouldn't judge other people, we should take the time to look at our own lives instead of being obsessed with what other people are doing. Use prayer as a catalyst between you and other people...not mean words or judgmental glances. Life is precious. We need to live our lives to its fullest...I don't think sitting around and judging other people will enhance a full life! What do you think?

 (picture by inkedbyjen-jms)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's All Gooood...

I had the amazing opportunity to go to The Brooklyn Tabernacle today...This has been my second visit since being here in the City and let me tell you, God is so awesome in that place! Wow!!! I just cannot put into words (though I will try) how amazing it is to see so many people from so many cultural backgrounds all worshiping together in harmony. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang today and my soul was moved! It was incredible! Check out these pictures that I found online!

Tonight's service was a little unique in the fact that instead of Pastor Jim Cymbala preaching, there was a guest speaker. Her name was Christine Caine. She is part of an amazing movement to stop human trafficking in our world. It is called the A21 Campaign. Please check out their website: http://www.thea21campaign.org/...also check out this CNN interview with Christine enlightening the world about the tragedy of human trafficking in our world: http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com/2011/06/16/abolishing-sex-slavery-by-helping-one-girl-at-a-time/

Tonight, Christine spoke on the passage II Kings 7:3-6...There are four lepers who were completely defeated during the time of a great famine. They were at the gate of the city and were confident that they would surely die. At that moment they had a choice to make...either stay defeated at the gate, remain stooped down, poor posture...or they could get up, move forward, and possibly live. They really had nothing to lose. If they stayed at the gate, they had a 99.9% chance of dying...it was practically inevitable...or they could enter into the city and have a .01% chance of living...either way they had nothing to lose!

When you stand up and move...change your posture from a defeated and overwhelmed stature...God begins to move on your behalf! When we allow God to move us, whatever our "gate of defeat" may be, we will have the victory over that "gate". We need to rise up and change our posture and ultimately know our place in Christ Jesus. God has a purpose for each and every one of us!

The very thing that Satan wants to steal, kill, and destroy-God wants to use to help others! We are His workmanship!!! Did you know that even though you may have always been told that you don't measure up, you aren't wanted, you aren't qualified - that God says differently? Did you know that we can stand on the Truth...God's Word. He says in John 8:31-32 that "...the truth shall set you free."

So, what might your "gate" be? I know for me, my "gate" has been my past. I have allowed my past to weigh me down and keep me captive and under unnecessary bondage. God has forgiven me, He has moved forward, and is ready to use me for the good. I have allowed certain moments in my past to define me...I must stop living at the gate of defeat. The blood of Jesus (when He died upon the cross for the sins of the world) doesn't give us amnesia! The blood of Jesus, however, gives us freedom from our past! I who have been rescued now has the responsibility to rescue others. Romans 8:28 says: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." It's not about what I am NOT...it is about who He is! The very thing that has kept us on the sidelines of life are the very things that God wants to use for GOOD!

So, my dear friends, stand up...look forward...and realize that God has something really great in store for you. He promises us in Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" God has begun a good work in us...and He promises us that He will be faithful to complete it! He will never abandon us (even when we are confident that He has)...and He will use our bad and turn it into good!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Think About It...

Everything begins with a thought. It is a positive thought or a negative thought. Either way, they begin to mold the direction of which our life goes. These thoughts are not more powerful than God, though. God knows our every thoughts. He understands us and knows what makes us tick. He tells us in the Bible that He wants us to live our lives to the fullest with joy and exceeding abundance. God intended for His creation to enjoy life--not dread it. We need to captivate our thought life...II Corinthians 10:5 says, "Casting down imaginations [assumptions], and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God [those things that become more important than God...good or bad], and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ [ask God for forgiveness, and for wisdom, and give God that obstacle]."

Now, captivating your thought life is much easier said than done. Did you know we think about 60,000 thoughts every day? (how does someone track that?) Anyway, by aligning our thoughts according to what God says, we find true joy. A healthy thought life begins first and foremost with gratitude. We need to give thanks daily...not just in front of an amazing feast on Thanksgiving day, though that is equally as important. We need to give thanks for the things we already have...for the blessings God has given us...and even give thanks for the things we don't have yet, but know God will provide.

God encourages us to approach His throne [meaning when you pray, you "enter His presence"] with thanksgiving and confidence. He also encourages us to ASK. I am sure you have heard the expression, "ask and ye shall receive"...well, it's more than an expression, it's scripture. God wants us to approach Him with boldness and confidence, yet humbly and respectfully. God is a God of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. He wants us to experience life to its fullest.

My "thought factory" is staffed with a lot of overtime workers! Haha! I find that my mind is always going. Though I may not be able to control the amount of thoughts that I have every day, I am able to direct them to a positive place. I can turn a negative thought into a positive one...but it is a choice. Sometimes I prefer to roll around in the self-pity of my negative thoughts. I notice that when I do, I lose an productivity, optimism, and hope. When I choose to center my thought life around what is true...I am happier, at peace, and more productive.

Phil. 4:8 says this about our thought life..."Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." So...if it is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report...I find that if my thoughts are negative in nature, they usually will not fit within the guidelines of this verse. It is a process to change your thought life. I have had such a negative thought life for so long. It's a comfortable place where me, myself, and I hang out and talk about how bad this is, or how much I was hurt by this...me, me, me. When I shift that focus to other people, my thoughts begin to shift...they begin to change from selfish to selfless. It's a daily battle, but I am working on it.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Just when I think I just may have arrived...or that I am "in the clear"...I am abruptly reminded that without God's strength in my life, I will only return to those things that weigh me down. You know the definition of insanity right?? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome...I can't tell you how many times I have approached my relationship with Christ doing the same things over and over yet hoping that some how, some way my outcome would be different! I can't tell you how many times I have been in situations...got out of those situations...only to find myself right smack dab in the middle of the same situation all over again! Whew...what a vicious cycle. It's a cycle that I have really got to get a handle on. I need to change...and I don't mean an "insane" change...wow, what an oxymoron! Haha! I am seeking a genuine change...one that transforms me from the very core of my being. I am in the beginning stages of this deep change. It's uncomfortable at times, and I would be lying if I said that doing right all the time is super easy...and that I just never have any temptations or desires that are wrong...yeah, that would be a HUGE lie! The difference in before and in now is, I am really making a genuine effort to change the vicious cycle I have been in bondage to for so many years.

Some of my friends who may read this may find themselves very confused. I have not lived a life that has pointed to any type of Christianity in a very long time. I haven't been the witness I was created to be. Instead, I just blended in...took part in...and never included God! For that, I am very sorry. I should have been different...stronger...more unashamed. I also know that I was going through a very long season of just not wanting to do anything related to Christ, God, the church, people associated with the church, ministry...well, you get the picture. I found myself more enamored by the lifestyle of partying and just having fun (however, there were times that weren't so fun...whew). I do not offer excuses for my past. I do know this...even though I was rebellious and completely away from God...he never left my side...he never forsook (left or abandoned) me...and even more mind-blowing, he never stopped loving me unconditionally-even when I wanted nothing to do with him! Wow...that is unconditional!

Some of you may be thinking..."what has happened to Jennifer?"..."why is she all of the sudden so 'churchy'?"...well, those are fair questions! I will tell you what has happened to me. It starts with my "DNA"...or rather the make-up of where I came from...I grew up in a Christian home...no wait, let me go a little further...I grew up as a pastor's kid...an independent, fundamental baptist pastor's kid...a very strict, but loving home. All I ever knew was God's love...the stories in the Bible...and I had parents who loved each other and their four girls very much. I didn't grow up in an abusive home, nor did I grow up in a home that I hated. I was a good kid, actually. I went to Christian Schools throughout my childhood until I graduated...then I went off to Baptist Bible College to study music. I was the girl that was expected to be "perfect" forever...(I was NEVER perfect...not even close...just seemed like I was super duper good to some of my friend's parents...therefore, I became the "example" for all the other kids...whew, that was a lot of pressure). I remained faithful to God throughout my college years, and even in my early twenties. I joined a Christian music traveling group out of Atlanta, Georgia when I was 24...traveled and sang about the God I served.

Something happened between 24-26...I strayed from God, bottom line...I don't need to offer excuses or tell you exactly what happened...but for about 7 years I lived away from God...intentionally! I am not proud of it...but I do know that God promises that everything I have been through can and will be used for good. I hope that with the things that I have been through, God can allow my story touch other people's life...I am able to relate to hurts that maybe at one point i may not have been able to understand. And guess what...when God promises us something...it is a promise. God promises that the good work He began in me He will be faithful to complete it...in other words, He created me for good...and even though I got off track, He will bring me back to Him and finish that good work!

Life is so short...I have allowed time to fall through my fingers like sand. It's time to spend every day filled with meaning and purpose. I get a chance to touch lives and make a difference, and you know what, I am going to humbly take that opportunity and run with it! =)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Have you ever heard the song by Tenth Avenue North called "You Are More"? One thing that you will learn about me very quickly is that music is so very influential in my life. I am moved by music. I feel that it speaks to me in so many ways. Therefore, I will be sharing a lot of songs with you! =) Anyway, back to "You Are More"...read these lyrics!

There's a girl in the corner With tear stains on her eyes
From the places she's wandered And the shame she can't hide

She says, "How did I get here? I'm not who I once was.
And I'm crippled by the fear That I've fallen too far to love"

But don't you know who you are, What's been done for you?
Yeah don't you know who you are?

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.
Well she tries to believe it That she's been given new life
But she can't shake the feeling That it's not true tonight

She knows all the answers And she's rehearsed all the lines
And so she'll try to do better But then she's too weak to try

But don't you know who you are?
You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

'Cause this is not about what you've done, But what's been done for you.
This is not about where you've been, But where your brokenness brings you to

This is not about what you feel, But what He felt to forgive you,
And what He felt to make you loved.

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

Wow...these lyrics shake me at my core. I can't tell you how encouraged I was by this song. It made me realize that God doesn't see anything but ME...He doesn't see my sin(s). How beautiful is that? If you are reading this, and you aren't sure what I am talking about...if you have any questions about God's love and how He loves you and sees you as a beautiful person, please talk to me about it! Message me, email me...call me! I would love to chat with you. If you are someone who does know about God's love but you feel that He doesn't see you as the beauty you are, please message me, email me,or call me. I would love to talk with you...pray with you and just encourage you!

The Beginning of a Transformation...

There is a song written and sung by Nichole Nordeman called "The Alter"...These are the lyrics:

I'm at the end of myself
I dropped out of the running
I don't recall when I last pulled the shades and said
Here comes the sun
Here comes a new day.

Someone remind me again 
That joy might show up on occassion
See I'm sitting here with my hands on my head
And my eyes on the ground
Wondering if I'll be found tonight

Will You make me new?
Will You take what's left of me?
See I guarentee that it won't be a fair trade
Will You set me free?
From what's keeping me afraid?
I know I've prayed it all before
But I'm back on the altar

I don't believe what they say
About one foot in front of the other
If my life was a map you'd see every last step
Just circling around, still lost, never found

Maybe last year I made empty promises
Maybe last month I've tried to pull strings
But I don't have one single chip left to bargain with
The only thing left is me needing You

Will You make me new?
Will You take what's left of me?
See I guarantee that it won't be a fair trade
Will You set me free?
From what's keeping me afraid?
I know I've prayed it all before
But I'm back on the altar

These words resonate in my heart...they describe the very struggle I go through every day...many times a day. I am always "back on the altar". It's a good thing my God is so patient with me. If He wasn't, I would be doomed! 

So the next few things I talk about are things that are slowly beginning to transform my life back to God. It's a process...one of which I need to be reminded of daily!

I had this particular quote in my journal that I wrote in back in 2006. I didn't list who the author of the quote was, so I apologize for that! It says, "If we do not allow God to deal with every part of our past, our hurts, our secrets, our errors in judgment, our mistakes, our sins, or the handicaps in our background, ANY ONE OF THEM CAN BE LIKE A HIBERNATING BEAR."
Wow, this statement couldn't be more true! If I would have allowed God to really deal with every single part of my past, a lot of the decisions I have made and paths I have chosen to take would have been so different. However, my journey is what it is...I believe that every single moment of my life will be used for GOOD! 

I am facing my emotional baggage head on...it's not easy to do. There is a lot of humbling, a lot of letting down walls, a lot of uncomfortable moments. At times, I don't feel like I am ready at all. Change is not easy!! Emotional baggage keeps a person from being the kind of person God wants them to be; from doing what God calls them to do; paralyzed with doubt, fear, and self recrimination; from developing a healthy self image. I am learning that it takes straight up courage to put down emotional baggage. There is absolutely NO benefit in continuing to carry emotional burdens. I find NO good reason to hang on to what slows me down, keeps me from feeling free, or stops me from experiencing the fullness of life that God has prepared for me to live.

John 8:36 says, "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Cardboard Box???

I think my infatuation with New York City started with my first visit to the "Big Apple" in 1995 on my high school senior trip. I was enamored with the beautiful city...the vastness...the diversity...the amazing buzz of the daily grind. So Awesome!! We took the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty. It was so beautiful. Now, I will say this...I am not sure I would ever go back up in it...step by step...at one point I believe it was a single file staircase...all just to walk over what seemed like about four feet of crown just to head back down those steps! (NOTE: I had just broken my foot about a week or two prior to my senior trip...that could have put some influence on that experience!)

I remember standing outside the World Trade Center and trying to look up to the top without falling over backwards. Couldn't be done!! I will always remember the beauty of the World Trade Center...the enormity of those buildings left me speechless. We went to the observation deck and looked over the city...people were tiny specs...lots of little yellow dots properly known as taxis...and the sea of skyscraper rooftops at what seemed like inches apart. It was incredible. The view from the top of that massive skyscraper will forever be etched into the picture bank of my mind, and I remember when 9/11 unfolded before the whole world, all I could think about while I watched the horror of those moments was that view and how unbelievably  high those buildings were. May God bless every should affected by that terrible day...WE WILL NEVER FORGET! R.I.P. every single innocent victim of that senseless act of terrorism.

After my senior trip, I visited my favorite city so many times. While I was in college, I traveled on a music singing group....and every single year I would get the East Coast tour. I will admit, I was a bit bummed about my third year when I just really wanted to see the West Coast and experience California...however, knowing that I would more than likely get to visit my first love again, I was easily consoled and didn't mind so much! After college, I visited my favorite city many more times...experience Broadway (I did see "Phantom of the Opera" about three times while in college and at least two to three more times after college)...I was whisked away on a really awesome first date (I lived in DC at the time) and was treated to the romantic nightlife of Little Italy, the Broadway Musical Aida, and some really awesome 50's diner after the show to have some yummy cheesecake...ahhhh, it is just my absolute favorite city!

So, I say all of that just to give you a little background on how much NYC has meant to me over the past many years...I have always dreamed about living in NYC...I have put it on my "bucket list" of things that I wanted to do in my life...even if I only lived in NYC for 6 months, I would be soooo happy! I have always joked about the fact that NYC is so extremely expensive...and well, if I did in fact make it to NYC, I would more than likely be living out of a cardboard box because I would just be too poor to afford rent there!!

Well...as I continue to share mycardboardbox adventure with you I will reveal what may just be that particular "cardboard box" that will get me into the very city I love so much! It's an exciting adventure and I hope you will join me!